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Millennials as the Key Driver of the Global Startup Wave

After the great fall, there would be a wave of rebuilding. The same thing goes to the entrepreneurial spirit after The Great Recession. During The Great Recession, the U.S. economy has eliminated more than 8 million jobs which is the steepest decline since the end of World War II.  It has caused many businesses to close for good or file for bankruptcy, on the other hand, the emerging number of unemployment triggered a significant increase in entrepreneurship. The high amount of global unemployment leads more youth to believe that a possible solution to their careers is a startup business. A group of people who are born between the 1980s to the 1990s, which usually labeled as Generation Y or millennials, is suggested as the most entrepreneurial generation compared to the rest. The rough background has made the millennials’ mindset more aware of the global economic risks, therefore, the crisis shock to the workforce fueled a surge in entrepreneurship. As an example, back in 1995...
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